
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Your Walk

Good Morning.  I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend.  I enjoyed mine.  My family and I went to my mom's deer lease and helped her and my uncle clean the camp up.  This morning I am going to write about your walk.  Not the way you take steps to get down the hall or to your car, no your walk that shows your faith.  It is getting harder and harder to walk in the light.  The world is pushing us to take on their values and to set aside God and his commandments.  The only way we can keep our walk worthy is to stay in the light.  "Come, O house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the LORD." Isaiah 2:5  We have heard that Jesus is the light.  He can keep you from walking in darkness.  When you walk with Jesus daily you should feel more at peace than when you don't walk with him daily.  What exactly does it mean to walk with Jesus and why is it important that I walk with him?
   The word walk is an action word.  Thus that means we have to do something in order to walk with Jesus.  We can't just say I believe and be done.  We as Christians should spend time with Jesus daily.  To walk with Jesus you need to read His word, the Bible, pray and give thanks to him, find a place to worship Him and fellowship with fellow Christians.  All of these acts are important for your walk.  When you spend time reading the Bible you learn how you should live your life.  You learn how to walk with Jesus but more importantly you learn about Jesus.  You are building a relationship with the best friend you will ever have.  When you pray and ask for forgiveness for your short comings God forgives you.  When you pray and thank Him for your blessings you are letting him know you appreciate Him.  As you pray and intercede for family, friends, and even those you don't know you are growing your relationship with God.  He knows your heart and there is no better way to grow a relationship than to talk and prayer is exactly that.  You are talking to God when you pray.  Many people limit their worship to Sundays.  You can worship God everyday in everything you do.  By doing it without complaining.  "Do everything without complaining or arguing," Philippians 2:14  Sundays are a great time to learn more about God and worship him and give thanks for all he has done.  Just remember your walk doesn't start Sunday morning and end Sunday night.  Your walk is 24/7/365.  People are watching you even when you don't think they are.  Especially when you proclaim loudly I am His!  The last thing and certainly not the least is your fellowship with other Christians.  Remember we need to walk with other Christians.  This helps strengthen our walk because we our held accountable but also these friends have the same values as we do.  "Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul." 1 Peter 2:11  God gives us friends to help us in our walk, to get us through trials and to strengthen us.  He will use them to break you down and hold you accountable.  You need to spend time with other Christians so they can help you.  We are to carry each others burdens.  "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2  Your friends can pray for you and talk to you in all things that come your way.  So, my friends, don't look at others and find their walk is too slow or dark.  Instead look at your walk and see how bright your light is.  What action can you take to improve or sturdy your walk?  Don't beat yourself up instead be thankful you are walking with Him and strive to improve.  That's all any of us can do.  Each person's walk will be different, learn from each other but more importantly learn from Him.  "Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD" Psalm 89:15  Keep your light shining....walk with Him daily.  Until next time may God Bless you and Keep you.

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