
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pew Pinchers

It is my belief that every church has at least one pew pincher. You know the person that has a pinched expression on their face Sunday morning that matches the pinched grip they have on the pew. This person's face is drawn up so tight you're afraid they will snap at you if you dare talk to them. The same person who sits hugged up against the pew, and you know not to ask if you can sit beside them. They don't dare stand up or leave their pew for fear of someone taking "their" spot. As someone who did not grow up in a church and slightly shy upon my first meeting you, I am intimidated by these people. They make people like me want to look for somewhere else to attend. There could be several reasons why someone does this. One, they are shy and prefer to be left alone. Two, they really don't want you sitting by them. Three, they don't realize they are coming off as a grumpy pew pincher.
  "The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:14
For some strange reason Christians can love their neighbor all week long but you put them in church and they forget this command. If you sit by or around a pew pincher I want to challenge you to break the ice. Make it your goal to wipe the pinched look off their face. Wouldn't it be great if you even made them smile. But how, you ask? Take a look back at reason one, the pew pincher is shy. This person is not intentionally being rude but is afraid to speak to someone they don't know. Simply walk up to this person say good morning and extend a hand to shake or a hug to wrap them in. This will probably help calm their nerves. Look at pew pincher two, this person really wants to be left alone. You don't know their problems and they want to keep it that way. It's ok, if this person feels this way, but we are told to love our neighbor, so intentionally walk up to them extend your hand and say good morning. Pew pincher number three really doesn't mean to come off that way and probably doesn't know you see them as grumpy. Take the initiative and walk over to them, extend your hand and say good morning. Every time you see your pew pincher at church walk up to them and say hi. Eventually, they will let loose of the pew and they will smile when being greeted. Keep in mind you really don't know what's going on in some one's life, so try not to be critical of those around you, especially those pew pinchers in your congregation. The hardest thing to do is love someone when they least deserve it, but love might be the one thing they need. Let's start loving our neighbors even the ones that are hard to love. Until next time may God Bless you and Keep you.      

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