
Thursday, September 20, 2012

What Can I Do?

"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed." Psalm 82:3

    Have you ever felt like you weren't doing enough?  Maybe you are doing all you know to do and feel like this is all I can give.  I often feel like I am not good enough or trained enough to help those in need.  Then there are times that I think of something I would like to do but quickly shut myself down because I say there is already something like that.  I have to remind myself that if God wants me to do it He will make sure I'm good enough or trained to help.  Instead of worrying about not being good enough I need to focus on how I can help.  We are all given gifts, and no one has the exact same gifts.  "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith."         Romans 12:6  We need to spend time in prayer and ask God how can we use our gifts to glorify him.  It is our job to help those with less than we have but it is also our job to make sure we are using our gifts the way God wants us to.  Do not get discouraged if you are the only one wanting to do something.  Try not to compare yourself to others, but instead look up to God.  Set your eyes on him and follow His path for you.  There will be times when you feel like someone else is better for the job or just as equally skilled at the task before you.  Do not doubt that God wants you to be the one on the job or doing that task.  There is a reason that you are the one doing the job or task and not someone else.  More than I would like to say, I tell myself I can't give because I don't have enough for my family.  We can always give our time or something besides money to help.  Remember the lady who gave all she had.  God blessed her and you know what, he will bless you too. "All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on." Luke 21:4  As the holiday season approaches and your heart turns more towards helping others, ask God to show you where he wants you.  Once the season ends, keep seeking his guidance. Don't let your giving heart only last for a season, but for a lifetime.  So today I am asking, God what can I do?  Be patient, let him answer you and have courage to follow through.  Until next time may God Bless you and Keep you.
*Bible verses taken from NIV Bible

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