
Saturday, February 8, 2014


Have you ever had a day when bad news just kept coming at you like the waves in the ocean just before a storm? I had that type of day yesterday. Due to the privacy of others I will not go into details but still want to share my day and emotions with you. My first wave came before I left for work yesterday morning. A message that someone I love dearly was in the hospital. The second wave came in the early afternoon hours. I was told the school I work for lost its appeal to the state board of education commissioner. The third wave came later last night telling me of some news to do with the same loved one in the hospital. I don’t have days like this very often and as a matter of fact this is the first one like this in years. My heart was heavy last week and it was heavy yesterday when I woke up. I knew something was coming, but didn’t know what.

Today, as I write this my heart is heavy and the tears come easily. My emotions have put me on a roller coaster and just when it seems like the ride is about over they start heading up for another round. I want to run. I want to hide. I want to be alone. This is what my flesh is wanting me to do. Once my emotions calm down I can hear God’s promises to me. I know He has me, I am not alone, and He is in control. I am not going to hide what’s going on with me from others so I have let some people know. I have taken advantage of the family I have in Christ. It’s nice to know I can ask others to pray and they will. I want to run but instead I stand still and let God be the anchor for my soul. I want to be alone, but instead I spend time with my family and count my blessings. I say this because there was a time, not too long ago; when I would have let my flesh win. I would have let my emotions take control of me and I would have run, hidden and made sure I was alone.

The waves came at me so fast yesterday. I had no time to process one event to the next. I was numb with shock. The turbulence in my life is picking up. The gale force winds are here. The storm of change lies ahead and is gaining speed. I don’t like change, and typically steer clear of it. This time it is different because I know who is in my corner. I will not cower in fear. I will not hide to try to avoid it. I will not run to try to escape it. I’m going to hunker down. I’m going to brace myself for the impact of the waves continually hitting me. I’m going to open my Bible and allow my God to use this time to grow me. This storm of change and waves of uncertainty will not drown me in my fears and sorrows. Depression will not take hold of me. My God walks on water and not only will He pull me out of the waves, He is here with me. He is the anchor of my soul. When the storm has passed I pray I’m all the better for it. Will this be easy-NO. Does uncertainty scare me-YES. I lay my life at Jesus’ feet. He can steer this earthly vessel through the calm and the storm. May you seek Him always and find Him in your storms…remember when words won’t come all you have to say is JESUS. Until next time, “May Yahweh bless you and protect you.” (Numbers 6:24, HCSB)

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