
Friday, July 12, 2013


“casting all your care on Him, because He cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7

     Why is change so hard? Have you ever tried to lose weight? How about, changing jobs? Maybe moving or changing churches? Again, I ask why is change so hard? I have a theory or two behind this. The first theory is that we all want to be accepted, loved and appreciated. We are meant to have those around us who will help us during this journey we call life. “Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 When we start the process of changing we feel that people will no longer accept, love or appreciate us. Our fear of what others think or how they will treat us once we have made the choice to change our lives can take a toll emotionally and physically. The best thing to do during this time is to pray to God and give him ALL your fears, and concerns. Let him send down his peace and accept that change is hard but can be good. 
     My second theory is we all fear change because of the comforts we have come to know. When you’re trying to lose weight, you have to change your lifestyle. So, eating differently and exercising more can cause people to view you differently. To be honest, giving up comfort food is hard for me to do. When you change jobs, you don’t want to lose contact with those you have come to know and care for. When you have worked somewhere for a while you have a routine down and the change of routine can be hard. This can be hard on you and your family. When you move or change churches you have to give up the comfort of being in a town/church you are familiar with. The biggest reason change is so hard is because we can’t see into the future. We can’t be 100% sure that we are making the changes in our life and all will turn out just fine. I’m a firm believer that God will put you where you need to be, but since I like to control things….not knowing what lies ahead is hard for me. Even when change is for the better for you and your family it's hard to let go of who and what we know.
     So, to answer my question, why is change so hard? Change is hard because we are afraid of things not turning out how we want them to. We are afraid of being wrong. We don’t want to lose our friends because of the choices we make. You have to know that while change is hard what lies ahead is better than what you ever thought it would be. I would like to say this…if you are making a big decision that will change your life make sure you are praying to God and that you have His will for your life at the forefront of your change. You will never go wrong by following His will. It may not make sense to anyone but you/your family but keep praying and keep moving in the direction God tells you to go. The hard part about it all is no one can tell you what God is telling you to do. You have to know that you are listening to what God is telling you to do and just do it. Take the words of Jeremiah to heart. “The man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed.” Jeremiah 17:7 Lean on God and look to him and remember change isn't just hard on the one making the change it’s also hard on those who will be affected by it. (ie you, your family, your friends) Until next time may God Bless you and Keep you! 
 *Bible verses used  from HCSB.

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