
Friday, July 26, 2013

Just Enough

“However, as it is written: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him-“ 1 Corinthians 2:9 
Have you ever been in a situation that you didn't know what was next? How about financially you just couldn't see how ends were going to meet? What about that relationship that’s broken but you’re trying to mend? Maybe you’re not even sure what lie ahead in the near future because you’re making major changes in your life. I have been in each situation and honestly I’m in a couple of them right now. I find myself praying and asking God for guidance and peace. I have found that I may not get the answer I’m looking for right then but if I ask for peace I receive it immediately. God works in mysterious ways and even though I have my doubts about what’s next I know I’m in His hands. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways.” Isaiah 55:8 Many things have happened in my life to cause me to stop and wonder why. As I've gotten older and drawn closer to God the only answer I have is God doesn't always tell us why, but He gives us just enough to keep going.
I have heard that life is like a puzzle and I often times picture my life as a puzzle. Mainly because the path I’m on right now is puzzling, but I know I’m in God’s will so I trust in him. How many of you would agree hindsight is 20/20? I actually told my husband that exact phrase the other night when talking about one of my regrets. I look at my life as an incomplete puzzle.  Behind me is a beautiful master piece of my birth, early childhood, the teen years and my twenties, but the master piece isn't finished. Why? Well, because I’m still living. There are pieces that are missing and some that are falling into place every minute of every hour of every day. The frustrating part is I can’t see where the missing pieces go or what they even look like. Why? I’m not the one putting it together, true it’s my life and I make decisions daily but God is the true author of my life. Only He can see the bigger picture. He can see where the missing pieces go and what needs to happen now to make that happen later. Just when you feel like you’re never going to be able to make ends meet, or mend that relationship, or see what change is coming; God gives you a glimpse. He gives you an answer. A check arrives in the mail for a $150 refund and it’s enough to pay the $100 bill that’s due tomorrow. The relationship that has you upset seems to be taking a step in the right direction. You end up in the right place at the right time and you see the change is truly for the better. These are all little things that can be written off as coincidence but that’s God giving you just enough to keep going. When we finally get through the financial struggle or the change in our life we can look back and clearly see God’s hand prints in our lives.  I’m usually thankful that I didn't see the whole picture and was only given one piece at a time. Why? Two reasons, (1) I wouldn't have depended on God for anything if I could see the whole picture. (2) I wouldn't be where I am today, because I would've stopped at the first sign of struggle. The best thing about looking back is you can see how much you have grown in your faith. As I look back over the years I see times of growth and times where my faith was stagnant.
There is a lot to be learned in the Gospels. We've all heard the story of Jesus feeding thousands at a time with two fish and five loaves of bread. I took some time and read the story from John’s perspective and found it interesting that the disciples didn't think Jesus could feed thousands with so little to eat. “Another of his disciples, Andrew Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, ‘Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” John 6:8-9 How often do we look at what we have and say how is this going to work? Do you know the rest of the story from John? Jesus took the loaves and the fish gave thanks and started passing out the food. Don’t you know the disciples were sweating it. I bet they were thinking the ones who don’t get to eat are going to stone us. I know I would've been thinking that, but look at what happened. Once everyone had eaten and was full Jesus told the disciples to pick up the rest of the food so nothing would go to waste. They had twelve baskets of bread leftover. “When they were full, He told His disciples, ‘Collect the leftovers so that nothing is wasted.’ So they collected them and filled 12 baskets with the pieces from the five barley loaves that were left over by those who had eaten.” John 6:12-13 Many times we look at our lives, at our current situation and say how can this work. When we give thanks for what we have and give it to God he will make sure there is enough. More often than not he makes sure there’s more than just enough.  So, today as you look at your life and at the situation(s) you’re in will you thank God for giving you just enough to make it through? And once you’re through it all and can look back I pray that you can see He actually gave you more than just enough.  Until next time may God Bless You and Keep You.
*Bible verses from NIV and HCSB

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What are you afraid of....losing?

“He will be like a tree planted by water: it sends its roots out toward a stream, it doesn't fear when heat comes, and its foliage remains green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit.” Jeremiah 17:8

What comes to your mind when I ask, what do you fear? Most likely it’s snakes, heights, spiders or even germs. Maybe even bugs in general. I bet the first thing that came to your mind wasn't God. Don’t worry, I’m not judging you…to be honest fearing God isn't the first thing that comes to my mind when I’m asked what do you fear.  It is written though that we should fear God and it’s actually definition number 4 on  According to fear is “reverential awe toward God.”  1 Samuel 12:24 says, “Above all, fear the Lord and worship Him faithfully with all your heart; consider the great things He has done for you.”  Did you know according to David in Psalm 111:10 fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom? “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His instructions have good insight. His praise endures forever.” Psalm 111:10 I don’t know about you but fearing the Lord and wisdom don’t seem to go together. So let me put it like this, once we know that snakes bite and some are poisonous we become fearful on being bitten by a snake. In fearing God, it’s not because he will harm us but because we know the power that he possesses. We know we should fear no one or nothing except the Lord. “The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom should I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life- of whom should I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1
I’m full of questions today, so let me ask you one more question. What are you afraid of losing? This question is asked by Jennie Allen in her book, "Anything.” This question has made me think about what I fear and what can I do to change that. The definition of afraid is “feeling fear; filled with apprehension.” So what do I fear losing? The first thing that I fear losing is my kids and then my husband. The one thing that gives me peace and calms my fear is knowing that God loves them more than I do and I will never be able to love them more than Him. After all, God is love, and no matter how hard I try I can’t love them more than a being that is love. With that thought in mind, I will ask again, what are you afraid of losing? Most people would say family, friends, career and belongings (i.e. home, car, and phone :) ) My view on this question has started to change. Why? Because I know that one, God loves me, my family, and my friends and two; my belongings are just things. They can be replaced if lost. Jennie Allen asks this question to point out that we need to pray about giving whatever or whomever it is we are afraid of losing to God. In other words, give your relationships to God, give your house to God, and give your job to God. Start living for God, and showing God’s love to others. Do not be afraid of people or losing them. Be afraid of what will happen if you did not show them God’s love and they were to die. Be afraid of the one who can condemn them. Luke says it pretty bluntly in the Bible, “But I will show you the One to fear: Fear Him who has authority to throw people into hell after death. Yes, I say to you, this is the One to fear!” Luke 12:5 I’m not saying this to scare you or cause you to repent…which I hope you would repent if you feel led to do so. I’m saying this to open your eyes like Jennie did mine. What if we gave God our fears, and asked for courage to show His love to others? My friends, that’s what I want to do. I want to live a life that shows others God’s love. I want to leave a legacy that points to God; not a legacy that points to the things I collected here on earth. Do I want the things of this world yes, but do I want others to know God more than I want those things….YES!!! I can’t sit here and say that happened over night, because it has happened over time. My thoughts about this life and why I’m really here has changed. I pray that it continues to change and that some way, somehow me writing this silly blog can open your eyes…to see or at least make you start to think about why you are here and how you can live for God and how much He really loves you. As I mentioned last week, change isn't easy and fear is one of the biggest setbacks. “The fear of man is a snare, but the one who trusts in the Lord is protected.” Proverbs 29:25 Will your loved ones die? Yes. Will you lose your house to a fire, flood or tornado? Possibly. Can you rest at night knowing that you are in the loving arms of your Father? I sure hope so. If you truly love God and want to do His will….start by giving Him your fear and what you are afraid of losing. You can do it, step by by day...moment by moment. Then live like you’re not afraid of losing it because God has so much more in store for you…if you’ll give it to Him. Be like the tree in the bold verse above, allow God to supply ALL your needs and let Him worry with ALL your troubles. He will sustain you in everything. His blessings are more abundant than we could ever imagine. Letting go and giving God your fears and asking for the courage to make the change to live for God is scary, but O, how this world would change if we all made a point of living it for HIM. I apologize for this post being so long…sadly, it could be longer, but I know a little boy who wants to spend some time with his mommy.  Until next time, may God Bless you and Keep you.
* Bible verses used are from HCSB
* Definitions are from

Friday, July 12, 2013


“casting all your care on Him, because He cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7

     Why is change so hard? Have you ever tried to lose weight? How about, changing jobs? Maybe moving or changing churches? Again, I ask why is change so hard? I have a theory or two behind this. The first theory is that we all want to be accepted, loved and appreciated. We are meant to have those around us who will help us during this journey we call life. “Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 When we start the process of changing we feel that people will no longer accept, love or appreciate us. Our fear of what others think or how they will treat us once we have made the choice to change our lives can take a toll emotionally and physically. The best thing to do during this time is to pray to God and give him ALL your fears, and concerns. Let him send down his peace and accept that change is hard but can be good. 
     My second theory is we all fear change because of the comforts we have come to know. When you’re trying to lose weight, you have to change your lifestyle. So, eating differently and exercising more can cause people to view you differently. To be honest, giving up comfort food is hard for me to do. When you change jobs, you don’t want to lose contact with those you have come to know and care for. When you have worked somewhere for a while you have a routine down and the change of routine can be hard. This can be hard on you and your family. When you move or change churches you have to give up the comfort of being in a town/church you are familiar with. The biggest reason change is so hard is because we can’t see into the future. We can’t be 100% sure that we are making the changes in our life and all will turn out just fine. I’m a firm believer that God will put you where you need to be, but since I like to control things….not knowing what lies ahead is hard for me. Even when change is for the better for you and your family it's hard to let go of who and what we know.
     So, to answer my question, why is change so hard? Change is hard because we are afraid of things not turning out how we want them to. We are afraid of being wrong. We don’t want to lose our friends because of the choices we make. You have to know that while change is hard what lies ahead is better than what you ever thought it would be. I would like to say this…if you are making a big decision that will change your life make sure you are praying to God and that you have His will for your life at the forefront of your change. You will never go wrong by following His will. It may not make sense to anyone but you/your family but keep praying and keep moving in the direction God tells you to go. The hard part about it all is no one can tell you what God is telling you to do. You have to know that you are listening to what God is telling you to do and just do it. Take the words of Jeremiah to heart. “The man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed.” Jeremiah 17:7 Lean on God and look to him and remember change isn't just hard on the one making the change it’s also hard on those who will be affected by it. (ie you, your family, your friends) Until next time may God Bless you and Keep you! 
 *Bible verses used  from HCSB.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thoughts to ponder

Have you ever read a book, other than the Bible, that makes you think about your life? What about living your life for God? I just finished reading a book that has shaken me to the core. While I would love to rant on and on about this book I'm not going to. Why? Because I want you to read it for yourself, and if you would like I will let you borrow mine. I mentioned the title in my last post but I will put it here. The book that has made my mind swirl is titled "Anything the prayer that unlocked my God and my Soul". This book is written by Jennie Allen. I will put a link to her website at the bottom of this post...please check it out. I'm not sure what to write about, my mind is still swirling and to be honest I could probably write a lot. There are so many questions that she asked that made me ponder, but I'm going to pick two and share my thoughts on them. The first question: "What if my life was going so beautifully because I wasn't chasing after God?" (p.108)
    Wow, stop and read that question again. I'm sure your life, like mine isn't fact I can name plenty of things that I would change right now if given the opportunity. Is there anything just horrible with my As a matter of fact until recently my life has been pretty laid back, kind of on a flat track. Things have been changing for me and my family, but....have I been chasing after God? Sadly, my answer to that is no. Do I go to church? Yes. Do I read my Bible? Yes. Do I live like a Christian....well the best that I can. I have been chasing this world though. I want a nicer house, and we just bought new cars almost two years ago. I want the newest technology that's out there....even though I can't afford it. The Bible clearly states we can not love this world and love God too.  "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. " Matthew 6:24  Here I am, thinking that I am doing what God wants me to do because my life isn't bad but really I'm not. I'm chasing after my other master....the one that provides instant gratification here on earth. The one that allows me to get what I want fairly quick. Don't get me wrong, I'm not rich, but who doesn't own some plastic these days? Have I used any of that plastic to help those in need? What do I have a lot of that others don't? By the worlds standards, or at least America's I don't have enough, or make enough or do enough. Should I be living for the world's or America's standards? Not if I am living for God. My life has truly been all about me and my family and what we want. Not until recently have I said, OK God, what do you want for my life. Which leads me to the next question that I hope will make you it made me.  "What if we wanted what God wanted most?" (p.132)
     Hum, what does God want most? God, wants us to know him. He wants us to love him. God wants us to share him with others. So, what if I wanted what God wanted most? Would my life look like it does right now? I wish that answer was yes, but honestly I'm just barely brushing his hand. God is reaching out to me and you, but most of the time we are too busy with our lives to worry about what God wants. I want my life to be easy, but no where in the Bible does it say follow Jesus because your life will be easy...and nothing bad will ever happen. My friends,  I'm tired of chasing after this world and what it says I should have. I want to chase after God and what he wants me to have and do. I want God's love to be known and shown to others. I want God to reach out his hand and say my child walk with me. So, now that I have shared this with you. I don't want to go to heaven and be shown what I could've done or would've had here on this earth if I would've stopped and focused on what God wants. Instead of writing more, I'm going to stop...and issue you a challenge. Read the bold questions again...pray that God would show you the honest answers to those questions. I have so much more to share....but I will wait for another day. God is alive and moving in my heart friends....will you allow him to stir your heart like he has stirred mine? Let me hear from you. Until next time May God Bless you and Keep you!
* Bible verses used are from NIV.
Please look at Jennie Allen's website. I follow her blog and I have read Anything.