
Friday, February 6, 2015



I just finished reading a book that some friends of mine suggested that I read, titled “Wide Awake” by Erwin McManus. If you feel like you are called to do more or maybe you can’t let go of your job to follow your God given dream then I challenge you to read this book. You will be asked questions like this one: “Is it possible you are not living the life of your dreams because God has asked you what you want and you are asking for way too little?” This book will make you think and reconsider if you are living the life God has planned for you.
I guess you could say I’ve always been a dreamer. I also have an imagination that can run wild. These two things are good when we are kids but as we become adults they are often looked down upon. It’s really sad that we feel we can no longer dream once we are grown and having an imagination, well that means you are childish, right? I’m sure at some point when you were growing up the adults around told you, you could be anything you wanted to be when you grew up, and I’m sure you’ve told your kids the same thing. I find it ironic that those same people who cheered for you and encouraged you to dream big also had a hand in shattering those dreams. It seems that once you reach college age or maybe a little older you have to grow up and make adult decisions and stop dreaming, at least stop dreaming those far out there never gonna happen type dreams. I’m not going to sit here and have a pity party for my big dreams that I didn’t reach, because at some point you do have to realize some dreams are just not going to happen. What if you could make one of those dreams come true? Chew on this for a minute, what if that far out there dream is the dream God has for you?
Remember the Trix commercial? “Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!” Well, I’m here to tell you there isn’t a rabbit that’s going to jump out and steal your dream but the world will. The world will try to steal your dreams by demanding you to put yourself first and make it big. There seems to be a certain order for everything and and it has to happen at the right time or age. Often times we are told to step on others to climb the ladder, but that isn’t the way things should be done. We should develop relationships and have people in our lives who are willing to help us make our dreams a reality. Dreams aren’t just for kids. They are for adults too and the quicker we realize that God has put a specific calling on our lives, no matter how big or small it may seem, the closer we will be to living out our dream. God has given everyone gifts which they should use to bring him glory and to further his kingdom. Are you using those gifts? Are you using them the way God intended for you to use them? 
Maybe your dreams were shattered because life happened, but is there a chance God wants to put the pieces back together for you? Impossible, you say? That’s true if you go at it on your own, but nothing is impossible with God. God will start putting those pieces back together one little piece at a time and before you know it, you are taking steps to make your dream a reality. God wants the best for his children, and if your dream is truly from him, he will make it happen. It’s time to trust God with your dream. How different would this world be if you lived life the way God meant for you to? I don’t mean just living a good life. I can’t say it any better than Erwin McManus, “Will you dare to dig deep and discover the incredible potential lying dormant within you?” My pastor has challenged our church to be game changers and to stretch ourselves this year. I extend that challenge to you, be a game changer, and take that first step to living the life you are meant to live. Not sure how, talk to God because he’s the only one who can tell you. Let 2015 be the year you dream big and allow God to use you. Until next time, “May Yahweh bless you and protect you” Numbers 6:24     

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