
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected

      My life isn’t what I expected it to be, is yours? When I was saved no one explained what living for God really meant. I certainly didn’t have a grasp on the meaning of “take up your cross.” I have a better understanding of it now but not a complete understanding. As I walk, stumble and some days run on this journey I will share my thoughts. My journey, the path I’m on right now isn’t one I expected to be on, but I’m here. I want to share what I wrote after a day of feeling like I am a disappointment to some people in my life:
      I don’t expect you to understand my choice to stay home, take care of my family and write. I don’t expect you to understand that will all my heart I know this is what God has called me to do. I don’t expect you to understand that my family and I are happy with the little that we have. The little, in your eyes and truth be told in mine, is actually a lot in the world’s eyes. I don’t expect you to understand that I completely trust God to take care of me and my family. The road that I’ve taken isn’t the one you expected me to take-guess what- It’s not the one I expected to take either. God brought me to this point and He alone will see me through. I don’t expect you to understand this or me and please know while I may seem distant, off the beaten path or walking astray, I am well aware of where I am. I am walking with the Great I Am so I pray my life is different and one day I hope you open your eyes to see that while I like to say I chose Jesus, he is the one who chose me. He wants you to walk with him too, but I must warn you- you may end up doing the unexpected.
     So far this journey hasn’t been easy, and I didn’t expect it to be but when I compare it to other's journey I shouldn't complain. I am a people pleaser and I don’t like to disappointment anyone. I have slowly accepted that the only one that I need to seek acceptance from is God. It would be wonderful if everyone just accepted what I am doing, and showed support, but if they did, would I be truly taking up my cross and following Jesus? If I didn’t get the question look, ya know…what is she doing? I would be comfortable, but that’s not what I’m called to be. The Bible tells me to expect others to not understand what I am doing. The one thing that I have learned in the last two-three months is expect the unexpected from God. He’s using it to grow me and will use it to grow you too, if you allow him to have control. Until next time, “May Yahweh bless you and protect you” Numbers 6:24

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