
Saturday, November 12, 2022


I looked up and saw hurt in my daughter’s eyes, it was then that I realized she had been talking to me for a while and was waiting for me to respond. I had no clue what she said to me, so I couldn’t respond except to apologize for not hearing what she had just said. After seeing the hurt in her eyes I told myself I would put my phone away when anyone was talking to me. I get distracted by my phone constantly. I want to check my text message immediately or scroll through Facebook and Instagram to see what others have posted. I like to look throughout the day to see if anyone has liked what I posted. Sadly, I will admit that looking at my phone in public has become my escape so I don’t have to talk to people. I’m an introvert, and the more people there are around me the more I want to hide or get lost in my phone. 

We live in a world with so many distractions. It seems the new normal is to be distracted by our silly games, or TikTok videos and ignore the people around us. It’s nice to escape from the reality of this dark world, but we are missing the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others when we choose to stay glued to our phones. What would happen if we got lost in God’s word instead of the rabbit holes on our social media accounts? Instead of clicking on the next video to watch; we turned the page of our Bible and read how we should treat our neighbors. 

I don’t think there has ever been a time in history when the entire world has the ability to be connected to each other, yet we are disconnected from those closest to us. We have amazing power at our fingertips to be informed, up-to-date, and serve others. We focus on the likes of strangers instead of building relationships with those who can touch our lives with their hugs and words of encouragement. We forget about the amazing power that lives inside of us as Christians. We never know when we can bless someone or be blessed. God will use us if we’re willing to not be distracted. If we’re going to be distracted by something; let it be that we are so caught up in God’s word that we can’t help but live a life seeking to be His hands and feet.

I don’t want to live distracted. I want to live a life with intention and purpose to God’s call on my life. So, I challenge myself to stay off my phone at certain times during the day or even take a day away from my phone. When I am in public, whether it be at a doctor’s office or at the store waiting in line I purposely put my phone away and pay attention to those around me. When I’m home I try to put my phone aside and focus on my family; especially when my kids and husband are talking to me. I want to make a difference in this dark world. I want to shine my light so that others can know God’s love. Let’s be intentional with God’s instructions on loving others and disperse the darkness with His light. 

“The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, shining brighter and brighter until midday.” Proverbs 4:18


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