Growing up I loved this time of year with the holiday cheer. We had half the week off from school for Thanksgiving and two weeks at Christmas. I enjoyed being around my family, especially my cousins. I loved the magic that seemed to be in the air. I loved the music and the lights. I loved going to my grandparents’ house and helping them decorate for Christmas. I loved the crackle of the fire in the fireplace, the hot chocolate, and the smile on everyone’s faces. Then I grew up and people no longer met my expectations.
I wanted to live in a Hallmark world with love, laughter, and good times all around. I wanted my world to be full of happiness and joy, but reality set in and I realized a Hallmark life doesn’t really exist. My expectations were set just a bit too high for others and myself. Life happened and the magic of Christmas faded with the passing of my grandmother, brother, and grandpa in addition to my kids growing older.
I stopped allowing myself to enjoy the lights, the music, and the gathering of family and friends. I started focusing on all the negative things about all those personalities being together and allowing the hurt from the memories of loved ones gone to Heaven to consume my thoughts. I didn’t want to be happy, because I felt guilty, but now even though the hurt is still there I look back and smile. I want to be happy, and I want to experience the magic again. My life will never be Hallmark worthy because I’m not perfect and I’m not an actress, but I can take the time to create the magic I want this holiday season.
Here I sit, with these thoughts running through my head: What if the only reason the magic faded was because of my expectations? What if I stopped thinking of what I hoped Christmas would be and started grabbing each moment and turning it into a purposeful time? What would the holiday season look like when lived out with a purpose?
This time of year is tough, many people are alone or have lost loved ones and it’s hard to celebrate when our hearts are aching. I want to challenge myself and you to live this holiday season with a purpose. Let our expectations be that we serve the Lord by being his hands and feet and loving others. Call someone and ask them over, because we all benefit from just spending time with someone we care about. If you’re a baker, bake extra and share with those around you. Ask God to show you how you can be a blessing to others. Aching hearts and souls are all around; we don’t have to look far to find them.
Challenge #1: Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for him to move in our lives.
Challenge #2: Love your enemies, do what is good and lend, expecting nothing in return.
Challenge #3: Do what is right, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.
These three challenges will look different for each of us. This world is a dark place, but when is there a better time than the holiday season to penetrate the dark with your light. God is willing and ready to meet us where we are. Together, we can make a difference if we will let go of our great expectations of others and ourselves and allow God to be the great expectation.
“Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for him, do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way by the person who carries out evil plans.” Psalm 37:7