
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Tug of War

This doesn't happen as often as it use to, but since I'm in a new environment I have been overwhelmed with thoughts and wanting to write but at the same time wanting to keep them to myself. This poem is the end result of that Tug of War:

My head swirls with thoughts,
my head yells write,
but my heart strings pull tight,
I’m torn between keeping it in,
and pulling the plug,
so out of me they will spin.

My heart is full,
my cup runneth over,
even so the pain is dull,
and seems to hover,

I push it away,
to focus on all the good,
blessings each day,
I count them as I should,

My struggle is real,
I’m new, I over think, and analyze,
I worry and get caught up in how I feel,
only to realize,

My emotions are getting the best of me,
I’ve been blinded by the waves,
I look deep within and see,
my Shelter, my Anchor, the One who Saves,

The thoughts they spin fast,
I feel as if I’m last,
Once I start prayin’,
I feel His Love and Grace,
and know I’m not alone in this race.

1 comment:

  1. Every writer's struggle. :) The Lord has given you a story to share -- your words matter because he is authoring them.
    Are you part of any writing encouragement groups online? I am part of one on Facebook that has been a huge encouragement to me!

