The lyrics “Knock, knock, knocking on heaven’s door” comes to mind when I think about people on their deathbeds, but also when I think about being persistent in prayer. I picture myself knocking on the door of a quaint little cottage with smoke escaping the chimney. God is sitting in the cozy living room, reading the newspaper, when I start knocking. He sets down the newspaper, calmly and slowly gets up, and walks to the door. As he opens the door I have my arm raised at 90 degrees, hand in a fist ready to knock on the door with a scowl on my face. Our eyes meet for a split second before I bow my head but not before I notice the sparkle in his eyes.
God welcomes me in and we walk to the living room where I begin talking to him. He listens patiently as I pour out my heart to him, but a slight movement by the fireplace catches my attention and I stop my rambling, I look around, and I realize I’m not alone in the room. “Who are these people and why are they here?” I ask impatiently. His smile fades as our eyes meet again, and ever so softly he replies, “These people came a knockin’ before you got here, and they haven’t left. You didn’t let them in when they came knocking at your door, so I have no choice but to let them in and wait until you decide what you’re going to do.”
Obviously, that is a scenario my brain just conjured up, but let me ask you a few questions. When is the last time Jesus knocked on your door? Did you let him in or were you too busy? Are the doors to your home open? Are the doors to our churches open? Are we too busy to allow Jesus in?
We knock on Jesus’ door throughout our lives and expect him to open up with immediate answers. We constantly seek him to fill our lives with our wants and needs and to give us all that we think we deserve. We rarely slow down and thank him for all he has done for us, much less allow him in. IN… to our lives. IN… to our day-to-day moments. IN… to our hearts. IN… to our plans.
Jesus is knocking and his knock is getting louder. We have a decision to make. Will we open the door and let him in or allow the busyness of our lives to keep the door locked? We are at a pivotal moment in history. God is on the move. Are we willing to allow Jesus in and shake up our lives so the lost souls will be saved?
When we let Jesus in our lives will change. We will live life differently. It will be scary, but it will be worth it. People are hurting and looking for acceptance and love. As Christians, we can show them what they are looking for once we allow Jesus in.
When we repent and allow Jesus to have full access to our lives He will use us. When we open the door for Jesus, he will open the doors for us to make the difference in this world that we are longing for. How many people are waiting for us to answer the knock at the door?
“See! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20