Back at the drawing board…
The past year has been a roller coaster for me and my family, we’ve had some highs and some lows and many of you shared in those highs. As most of you know I coauthored a children's book and Nick joined a christian band. The build up for both things was great, we both were sure we were on the right path. The one we all hope to be on, the golden brick road with lots of great things happening. We were there, then came the down time, when not much was going on and the doubts started trickling in. Then out of nowhere events came and projects were planned and our hopes were lifted, only for them to be dashed.
Many of you know Nick is no longer in the band but what many of you don’t know is I am no longer working on the children's series. I kept this from you, because I was hurt and didn’t want to face what others would think of me. So, without much notice both of those highs we were on became lows, our ups were flipped and became downs. As we sit and reflect, we know we did what we were supposed to do for that season in our lives. We are both back at the drawing board, sitting at Jesus’ feet waiting for guidance and direction. I am writing tonight to simply say forgive me for not writing more frequently, but sometimes it takes a while to dust off when you get knocked down. The dust is beginning to settle, the emotions are slowly going back in check and I’m feeling the urge to write again.
I am back teaching so I make no promises on how often I will write but there will be more posts soon. The one thing I hope you get from this is no matter how hard the blow, how hard the fall, take the time to recover, dust off but always...always get back up and ALWAYS TRUST IN GOD. “The works of His hands are truth and justice; all His instructions are trustworthy.” (Psalm 111:7)